About us

Brief History

The Department of Food Engineering was founded in 1990. The establishment of the Department originated from the fact that KMUTT was at that time responsible for the technical management of the Royal Project food processing plants located in rural areas; the plants were first initiated by H.M. the King to assist poor rural people by purchasing their agricultural produces at guaranteed prices. Having had long experience in providing technical assistance and management to the Royal Project food plants, KMUTT experienced at first hand the disadvantages caused by lack of qualified food engineers in the food industry. The Food Engineering program was therefore set up to serve the rising demand for qualified engineers for the fast growing food industry of Thailand.

Educational Policy

Food Engineering is a multi-disciplinary department, which offers degrees to graduates with either engineering or food science & technology background. The programs provide important food science & technology knowledge to engineering students and necessary relevant engineering knowledge to food science & technology students to enable them to successfully work in the food industry. Each student is required to work on a food-engineering related problem in a food factory to apply his/her knowledge to real-life problems in addition to working on his/her original research project/thesis.

Collaborations with Other Institutes

The Department has enjoyed close research collaborations with universities in Thailand and abroad (e.g., McGill University, University of Guelph, University of Reading, Monash University, etc.) A students enrolled in our doctoral degree program is normally requested to spend 6-12 months at an oversea university to conduct his/her research under guidance of an oversea research supervisor.


Faculty and staff of the Department are supported by various national and international granting agencies for their research activities. These include the Thailand Research Fund (TRF), Office of the Commission on Higher Education, National Research Council of Thailand, National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) and International Foundation for Science (IFS, Sweden), among others. Many graduate students are also supported by the Thailand Research Fund through the Master’s Research Grant program and the Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. program.